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General information and communication

UAB „Grigeo Tissue“

Vilniaus g. 10, Grigiškės 27101, Vilniaus m. sav.

Email: info@grigeo.lt, Phone.: +37052435801

Sales Representatives


Dalia Žebrauskė

Sales Manager

AB „Grigeo“
Vilnius st. 10, Grigiskes
27101 Vilnius, Lithuania

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Julius Gardauskas

Sales Manager for Business

AB „Grigeo“
Vilnius st. 10, Grigiskes
27101 Vilnius, Lithuania

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Deniss Hohlovs

Sales Manager

AB „Grigeo“
Valmieras 3 k1 (10 kab)
Riga, LV-1009, Latvia

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Deniss Hohlovs

Sales Manager

AB „Grigeo"
Valmieras 3 k1 (room 10)
Riga, LV-1009, Latvia

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Papperskedjan AB

Grite Professional Distributor

Odengatan 23A
313 33 Oskarström, Sweden

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Eksportas Skandinavijos šalyse

Ramūnas Bridikis

Pardavimų atstovas

UAB „Grigeo Tissue“
Vilniaus g. 10, Grigiškės
27101 Vilniaus m. sav., Lietuva

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Other export markets

Aistė Bogdanovienė

Head of Export sales

AB „Grigeo“
Vilnius st. 10, Grigiskes
27101 Vilnius, Lithuania

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